
We continually invest in the maintenance and integrity of our assets, including inspection and repair programs to comply with federal and state regulations. Our terminal and pipeline assets are operated via satellite communications systems from our control center, where state-of-the-art computers continuously monitor real-time operational data.

What does HEP do to ensure safe operations?

  • Pipeline companies are responsible for the safety of their operations. Besides meeting federal and state safety and environmental standards, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration oversees and regulates pipeline system operations from the design stage of a project to construction, maintenance and operations.
  • To ensure public safety, HEP continuously monitors our systems through a combination of safety programs:

    • Low-flying aircraft regularly patrol pipeline routes
    • Visual ground inspections
    • Computerized systems report and record line pressure and flow 24 hours per day at our manned control center

Holly Energy Partners is committed to ensuring safe operations in the communities in which we do business. Our commitment to pipeline safety includes maintaining company Emergency Response Plans, as well as establishing and maintaining liaison with local Emergency Responders and Public Officials. Our primary goal is to ensure public safety while promoting a coordinated effort when responding to emergency and security situations.


Notify the pipeline company immediately in the event of an incident. The phone number on the pipeline marker will connect you with the company's 24-hour emergency control center.

Isolation and denial of access/entry
Do not allow anyone to enter the hazard area. Use banner tape, vehicles or other resources from emergency response agencies as necessary.

Incident command system
The pipeline company will establish a command post as a central clearinghouse for all emergency information. You will receive further instruction from the pipeline's Incident Commander. Pipeline operators will take necessary operating actions - starting and stopping equipment, closing and opening valves, and other steps - to minimize the impact of the leak.

Emergency Response Plans
Emergency Response Plans have been developed by the pipeline company to work in conjunction with existing emergency plans developed by federal, state and local authorities. To further coordinate, these plans are presented to the local emergency planning committee or other local emergency agencies.


How do I identify pipelines?

The following information will help you identify the general location of a pipeline.

  • Pipelines are marked by above ground signs to indicate the general location, product type and the name and contact information of the company that operates the pipeline.
  • Markers do not provide information on the depth or number of pipelines in the vicinity and do not indicate the exact position of the pipeline.
  • Pipelines may not follow a straight path between markers.
  • Pipeline markers are generally yellow, black and red in color. If a marker has been knocked down, please call us so we can replace it.

Pipeline markers are generally yellow, black and red. Look for these signs:

It is a federal crime to remove, tamper, damage or destroy a pipeline sign or marker.


Leaks from pipelines are unusual, but we want you to know what to do in the unlikely event one occurs. Your senses of sight, hearing and smell are the best ways to recognize a pipeline leak.


  • For a dense white cloud or fog
  • Discolored or dead vegetation
  • A pool of liquid on the ground
  • Flames coming from the ground or an exposed pipeline valve
  • A slight mist of ice or frozen area on the pipeline
  • Continuous bubbling in wet, flooded area
  • A rainbow or a sheen on water


  • An unusual odor or scent of gas or petroleum


  • An unusual hissing or roaring noise coming from a pipeline

Call 811

811 is a national call-before-you-dig number and will connect anyone intending to dig with their One Call center. If your planned excavation includes exposing an HEP pipeline, please contact HEP in advance as an HEP representative is required to be on-site during this process.

Promote CALL 811 BEFORE YOU DIG and state one-call laws.

One Call information

  • A free service
  • Anyone planning excavation, construction or blasting activities should notify One Call before beginning work.
  • Representatives from each company with underground pipelines or utilities will visit the proposed work site and mark the location of their facilities to reduce the risk of damage.
  • One-call laws require at minimum 48-hour notification prior to any excavation commencing


Additional Prevention Efforts to Ensure Public Safety

Stay apprised of the pipelines in your area.

The National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) Public Map Viewer is a web-based mapping application designed to assist the general public with displaying and querying data related to:

  • gas transmission and hazardous liquid pipelines,
  • liquefied natural gas plants, and
  • breakout tanks
    Link to NPMS:
  • Notify the Pipeline Operator of suspicious activities on or near their pipeline, damaged facilities and/or any other reports received that may pose a threat to their facilities.

    • Pipelines are a vital component of our nation’s infrastructure and due to our nation’s heightened security it is important to safeguard pipelines against damage or acts of terrorism. The security of our nation and pipeline infrastructure is a shared responsibility.


HEP’s Pipeline Excellence Program is the combination of our pipeline safety management system and how we work together to demonstrate our core values of Safety, Integrity, Teamwork, Ownership and Inclusion. There are ten elements to our program, including continuous improvement, emergency preparedness and stakeholder engagement. Our programs seek to advance organizational safety and performance, drive reliability and deliver results related to personal and process safety, environmental stewardship and asset integrity. 

Our approach not only furthers a culture of safety within HEP, but reinforces our commitment to the protection of our people, the public and the environment through continuous improvement and assessment of our existing programs. 

Pipelines are a vital component of our nation’s infrastructure, making it imperative to safeguard our assets against any damage. We have implemented rigorous awareness and damage prevention programs, based on federal regulations, to educate our stakeholders and proactively manage risk. This includes a one-call system for excavation activities.